Sweet and Cozy Green in Interior Design
I’ve fallen hard for green in interior design. I just didn’t know how much I needed it in my life until a couple of years ago. Simultaneously soothing, uplifting, and grounding…green has become the go-to main accent color in my home. It’s a nestling-in kind of vibe and I know I’m not saying anything new here, I’m simply using this opportunity to declare my love. Here are two examples to illustrate my point. Above, a sage and peach bedroom dollop of lovely. The wood and complimentary lamp patina are smart design additions, don’t you think? And then this kitchen…
Given a choice, I prefer my kitchens vintage-level cozy. Aren’t the green details happy? Add a big window to pour in natural light over a simple table and I’m one content nester.
Credits: Pic one- d’Erlanger and Sloan | Pic two- Emma Sherlock and Soane Britain | both via Welton Finds