photo by edward clynes

Design Services

Thoughtful design inspires a harmonious life.

It all begins with a spark of inspiration and guidance so you can elevate and transform your space and elevate and transform your life experience.

I’m here for you with a creative nudge and impactful solutions…

ways we can Work Together…

1:1 Interior Styling Consultation

Let’s get to the core of the design and styling challenges in your space. I’ll help remedy them with impactful solutions…

  • 90 minute on-location space assessment & consultation with on-site suggestions for design and styling challenges
  • A comprehensive outline with space specific design guidance and suggestions to implement; with direct product and inspiration links to create your desired space. (emailed to you within 5 business days following the consult)
  • Email and text support for any followup questions one week after receiving report
  • $350

Hands-On Organizing & Styling

Got a room (or entire home or workspace) that would benefit from an all- hands-on-deck organizing and styling? I’ve got ya covered…

  • 60 minute on-location space assessment & consultation with on-site suggestions for design and styling challenges
  • Two days / 3-5 hours per day of organizing and styling (can work together or I can tend to on my own)
  • $500-1,500 per room (quote upon consult)

Feng Shui Support

Feng shui (“wind/water”) is a traditional Chinese practice of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment by harnessing energy forces, arranging objects to create balance with the natural world. By doing so, it combines the traditional alignment of the eight directions with associated elements and intentional design. Each direction (North/Northeast/South/Southeast, etc) relates to areas of life: Love & Relationships, Children & Creativity, Travel & Synchronicity, Career & Life Path, Education & Knowledge, Family & Community, Wealth & Prosperity, and Fame & Reputation. L&M will lay the groundwork and styling to create a more harmonious flow in your home, work space, and life.

  • 60 minute on-location space assessment & consultation with on-site suggestions to implement, set intentions, and balance the energy of your space and life
  • A comprehensive followup outline of Feng Shui solutions, specific for your space (emailed within 5 business days following the consult)
  • $195