• 1:1 Feng Shui Design Consultation

    Feng shui (“wind/water”) is a traditional Chinese practice of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment by harnessing energy forces, arranging objects to create balance with the natural world. By doing so, it combines the traditional alignment of the eight directions with associated elements and intentional design. Each direction (North/Northeast/South/Southeast, etc) relates to areas of life: Love & Relationships, Children & Creativity, Travel & Synchronicity, Career & Life Path, Education & Knowledge, Family & Community, Wealth & Prosperity, and Fame & Reputation.

    L&M will lay the groundwork and styling to create a more harmonious flow in your home, work space, and life with…


      • 60 minute on-location space assessment & consultation with on-site suggestions to implement, set intentions, and balance the energy of your space and life

      • A personalized comprehensive downloadable/printable guide with Feng Shui solutions, specific for your space (emailed within 5 business days following the consult)
